Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Baby Bird -- The Teacher...

Happy Sunday Morning....

            Yesterday I spent the day with my son Todd who is a High School Teacher.  Did I tell you he had a teaching contract in hand before he even graduated college AND he graduated Summa Cum Laude AND double majored and still graduated in 4 years.  I'm just soooo proud of him I could burst!!


            But....Do remember, HE is the reason that I am spending "investing" money and redoing our home.  I spent every day with him for 23 YEARS!!  Then POOF he was gone, left The Nest.  Our house is so quiet now - we don't hear him reciting speeches, practicing lesson plans, singing in the shower, and his shoes are no longer by the door. 

Ok, back to decorating....I'm tearing up....Put on a Happy Face....


            One of my "empty nesting" projects was decorating his classroom....(Don't you bet he loved that...he he).   I bet I was the ONLY "Mudder" of any teacher in the entire school that showed up with boxes of pictures, plaques, books, baskets and measuring tape in hand and ready to decorate....

"Mr. A", as his students call him,...Decorated the Door......


Do you know how hard it is to decorate Concrete Block Walls.....                                  


I so wanted to come in with gallons of paint and cover the stark white walls, but thought I would be pushing my luck with the Principal and Mr. A.....

 We framed Math Symbols for Art.....

We made this really cool Assignment Calendar out of Frog Tape....
We filled baskets with school supplies for the kids, hung pictures and loaded the book shelves..... 

Made a Math Project Area.............

 We had so much fun creating Mr. A's first Classroom......

PS:  Please come back tomorrow....I need your assistance in Selecting a Design for our Living Room..