Saturday, March 15, 2014

Exploring Indiana

Hello Everyone:

I recently went on an adventure with two of my favorite people … My son Todd, otherwise known as Mr. Alexander, and his “D”, Todd, Sr.    They threw me in the back of Versa and politely told me to be happy to be going somewhere. J   And off we went Exploring Indiana....Enjoy the Ride....

Todd, Sr "D", Todd, Jr "Mr. Alexander" and Melissa "Mudder"

Big Todd ("D" for "Dad") turned on Dolly Parton's Greatest Hits and Off we Went on our Adventure...

Dolly Parton
I was Amazed at the Fabulous Architecture that we have right here in Good Ole Indiana....Can you Believe a Round Barn in Medora...

True Round Barn in Medora, Indiana - Built in 1910

Then we visited the Longest Historic Covered Bridge in the United States....Medora, Indiana

Longest Covered Bridge in the United States - Medora, Indiana, 1875

You can even rent out the Covered Bridge for Receptions or Parties....Wouldn't that be "Too Cool for School"....

No, we didn't crash their Party....We had more Adventuring to Do...

Speaking of Schools....We also found One of the Oldest Schools in Indiana....Carr High School...

Mr. Alexander, the Geometry/Algebra Teacher at Salem High School, was amazed by this find and explored every detail....

Carr High School....1857-1934

Come On Bubba we have more Exploring To Do.....

Mr. Alexander - 2014 - Carr High School
Barns and Indiana Farm Land....Americana at it's Finest....while singing along with Dolly..."Workin' 9 to 5, What a way to Make a Livin', Barely Gettin' By, It's all Takin' and no Givin'.... (You know the Lyrics....Sing Along with Us)....

True Americana

It seems so Peaceful on the Farm.... Reminds me of a Quote by Edward W. How: "Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time".

Time to Head to Beck's Mill in Historic Salem, Indiana.... Dolly and Kenny are Singing "Islands in the Stream".....

Beck's Mill - Salem, Indiana - Est. in 1808
Beck's Mill was Established in 1808 and is a Grist Mill...(Not sure what that is, But it looks Cool)...

Beck's Mill - Close Up

Anybody that knows me knows that I'm "Hooked on Houses" and There are some Fabulous Houses in Historic Indiana....

Who Remembers having a Tire Swing in Their Yard?  I do, My Dad put One up for Us...

Check out this Cool House as Dolly Parton is Singing...."Two Doors Down, Their Laughing and Drinking and Having a Party".....

How I would Love to Decorate Every Room in this House and Have a Fancy Tea Party on the Roof Top....

As Dolly Parton's "Coat of Many Colors" was Playing ... Look at the House we Found -

Time to head back to Todd, Jr.'s Home......I might have to consider buying this House...It's right down the street from my Bubba........

That concludes our Indiana Tour as our Final Dolly Song is Playing "I Will Always Love You".    You would be amazed at how much fun you can have with $10.00 in Gas, Joyful Music, A Juice Box, Snack Pack and Quality Time Spent with the Ones you Love.   Try it Sometime and You Too Will Be Amazed :)     


  1. The grist mill was a local business and thriving part of the local community in centuries past. The grist mill was HYDRO POWERED by the rushing flow of the Blue River. The interior of the Millers House cranked gears that turned two huge round stones that ground local farmers dried corn or wheat into meal or flour. Not trying to sound snobbish, just throwing out some CULTURE in your direction to appease the curiosities.

  2. Oh My!! Thank you for the insight and information. I will have you be our tour guide writer for our next adventure! :)
